So far the parish is made up of three sub parishes namely Tutu, Kizega and St. George Kiomboi town where the headquarter of the Parish is located. According to the report of the church (2019) on the statistics of church members the parish has 3,824 members in which 2,397 women and 1,427 men. Out of this statistics adult Christians are 2,000 in which women are 1,414 and 586 men.
On the hand children form 1,824 church members whereby 893 girls and 841 boys. Generally Kiomboi town sub parish has 3,208 members, Tutu 469 and Kizega sub parish has 147 members. According to the constitution of the Central Diocese (2015) among the functions of the Parish include the provision of evangelism (teach and preach the word of God), education, health services and development according to the needs of the people and offering sacraments.
The parish is serving people both spiritually and physically. Since the inauguration of the parish the following are the lists of pastors served the parish.